Tuesday 28 December 2021

Heartstrings and tin lids...

As the quest for musical innovation continues, here is a delightful piece with the lovely Muriel Anderson playing her Doolin harp guitar. It really is a beautiful instrument and she is a great musician!

I guess making one is a bridge too far for Scrobs, but I did once use the lid of a large Sellotape tin, loosely taped over the hole on a steel string accoustic guitar, to make an interesting sound! The output could be tweaked by either bending forward, or leaning back to alter the vibrations!

Mark Knopfler decided to go the whole hog and use a National steel instrument, but there again, my tin lid cost me nothing because it was my dad's!



  1. I bet that Sellotape tin would be an antique now.

  2. Probably would, AK!

    I think we have inherited all the Sellotape and staples from various families, to last several lifetimes, but that tin lid was so innovative, I could have been a zillionaire had I marketed it properly!

    But I didn't...
