Thursday 12 September 2019

Honours to the right of me, honours to the left...

All this baloney about 'honours' is getting to become more than a farce than ever.

While it's the norm to lob out 'medals' to undeserving slebs, failed politicians and the rest, when a real case for discussion comes along, the shrieks and wails of the remoaners-sort-of-losers comes into play. It's expected, and trolled by the BBC and other worthless crowds.

I remember Geoff Boycott's 'issues', when they first came out. He still claims it was rot, but as is his wont, he kept his silence, and like the great opener he is, stuck to his guns.

They can all yelp and postulate at his Sirdom, I'm pleased to remember him at the crease, which meant a whole lot more than some silly twit getting an Obe for squawking some brainless shrill squealing in the Eurovision Twotfest.

So, for this reason, I ask all moaners, to 'Let Baaah Gooms be Baaah Gooms'!


  1. To begin with I was slightly surprised that he didn't turn it down, but maybe the thought of the BBC having to refer to him as "Sir Geoffrey" was too tempting to resist.

  2. Nice idea, Mr H.

    My dad used to explode when he was batting, shouting at him to 'get a move on', but grudgingly accepting that his opening batting techniques were probably the best we've ever seen!

    I only recognise one other on May's list, that creep Robbins, who did bugger all for Brexit.

  3. When did this PM's honours thing start? I've never heard of it as I thought it was just the Queen who gave them out on her birthdays. Some people get them for doing SFA, and some others who really deserve them (including many unknown people) don't get a look in until they're almost shuffling off their mortal coils. It's all a load of sphericals to me!

  4. Too right, Goosey!

    My Dad had done quite a lot for the community back then, and one day, when he was getting on a bit, he got a letter telling him that he was proposed to be a Deputy Lieutenant for his county.

    He told mum, and said that this was much better than a gong, and went to his grave feeling much happier for it. We inscribed his 'DL' on their stone as a badge of respect and achievement.

    I'm all for the lollipop ladies etc. getting recognition, but always ignore the failed politicians, spongers on the public purse, MPs and especially the undeserved 'Lords'. like that fat prick Prescott.

  5. Wasn't Prescott the one who liked his toes licking? UGH! To me, the real true heroes are those who don't say a lot about what they do day after day but just get on with it so it's up to others to get them recognised. Look at Tony Foulds who tends that American war grave every day and got his well-deserved fly-over. Now there's a man who deserves one for sure and if it hadn't been for the newscaster Dan Walker we would never have known about it. If he's not on the New Year's Honours list I'll write to the Queen and ask what's she playing at!

  6. Naaah, Prescott's the fat lump who started bonking a spad a few years ago, and had to give up when his missus found out.

    He comes from Hull, and tried to be a Police Commissioner, but failed miserably. His son is trying to get somewhere in politics, but with a legacy of his oaf of a 'father', probably won't get far.

    You're thinking of David Mellor, who for some reason is welcomed on the BBC crap progs.

    As the Beeb is a waste of space these days, I wouldn't really know and am past listening to their leftie bias and rubbishy autocue readers!
