Friday 20 September 2019

Forty days and thirty-nine nights...

In the time mentioned above, we'll be rid of the odious EU for good.

I've followed much of the Brexit shenanigans from time to time, keeping my blood pressure to an industrial standard and reading informed writers like Raedwald and Guido, instead of listening to the dire BBC, (except at night as 'sleepless in Kent', when R5 gets some airing, usually stale).

It's a funny age, forty, or so my doctor in Ashbourne (yes Mr H, the very same), told me when I had a check-up one January, when I was about thirty-two. He told me that it was the age to watch out for, which, to a Marstons Pedigree and Ogden's Gold Block pipe man isn't such a pleasant thought, and I gave up both for - oooh - several hours!

Forty was also the first item on my school's list of words which are often misspelt, and I was forty when I had a chunk of stuff between nos L1 and S5, carved out of my back, so my doctor near Derby was about right!

Our electricity bill is about £40 a week, and I'm wracking my brains trying to work out how or where we're being cheated by the suppliers. The spreadsheet is lengthening by the hour...

And so the days and nights tick down to the magic day of Halloween.

And for those who listen to the wireless very early in the morning, the Forties is a sandbank, not an island, or an estuary...


  1. Pleased that my handwriting experiment is remembered. Who controls this page?
    I have a couple of queries about Hydeneye House ears 1956-1960. Can anyone help?
    Tim Satchell

  2. To me, any milestone age is good because you've lasted long enough and hopefully will continue to do so. Every stage of your life was so different yet the inner core of what you really are remains constant. I've viewed each one as a chance to learn from the past and to look forward to better thigs to come although I didn't expect Brexit to turn our whole world upside down. Where we'll be on Halloween I haven't the foggiest idea, but if there is an election it will be a bit of a nail-biter for us all.

  3. Tim dear boy!

    Fabulous to hear from you - I've emailed you just now!

  4. I don't think anyone thought that Brexit would be so toxic, Goosey.

    What really has happened, is that the wrongly classed 'elite' (another name for wealthy sods, who've often cheated their way through life, and see it all fading away), are up against the wall, and I do feel that Boris will get the better of them.

    Of course, having to do the business with the awful BBC and silly old farts like Heseltine and Major (both failures when faced with real opposition), yapping at your heels must be a daunting task, but at least he's getting somewhere after far too long.

    So, forty days it is, and thirty-nine tomorrow...

  5. Apparently in his new memoir John Humphrys says the BBC 'simply could not grasp' why anyone would vote for Brexit. Are we surprised?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. No Mr H, we're not!

    The dire BBC have continually tried to trash Brexit, and by their actions, have increased the resolve of so many more people who will recognise how biased they are towards the leftie elite, and support getting out of the EU for good.

    Just for the hell of it, the website is a great way to let off steam, and see what real, normal people are thinking, while disregarding snowflakes and their ilk...

    (Apols for the delete above - I made you a Mrs H, probably for the first time in your exemplary life)!
