Friday 19 May 2017

I know what I like...

I know what I like...


As just a few chums here know, I'm still a big fan of  Genesis, and when I can't be arsed to read a book, or anything, I grab the Ipad, clunk in a few digits, and revel in a few of my favourite songs!

This song was regularly on the radio in the early seventies, and we were living in Hastings at the time. There was, back then, a super record shop called 'The Disc Jockey Plus Two', near The Memorial (older inhabitants will remember that), and as I'd heard this fabulous song on the wireless, I went to enquire as to whether I could afford to purchase the said song...

Too late, it was on an album 'Selling England by the pound', and £3.40 was way above what Mrs Scroblene would have allowed, so I didn't buy it and left.

A few years later, I saw a forty-five version in a cheapo sale and snapped it up (more money in those days), and it's still a favourite!

Elder Daught and I have watched Phil Collins cavorting around the stage live on several occasions, and this version still reverberates...

1 comment:

  1. Hmm.... I spent most of the 70s and 80s floating around in the back woods of Arabia and the empty quarter of the Pacific - well away from any temptations of crazed, drug-fuelled musicians. I am not sure I really missed very much, but as they say across the Channel "Chacun a son gout". Our tellybox comes with a music channel which plays Golden Oldies from way back. When I occasionally listen to that I usually hear songs (and singers/groups) I am totally unfamilar with! But I will say I think the music of the 70s and 80s was far more enjoyable and tuneful than much of the female screeching and hoarse screaming which seems to be on offer these days. My own preference in music is to listen to the big bands of the 1920-1950-ish era whose offerings will long outlast any transient "pop-star" boy/girl band of today.

    The last record I ever acquired, or more accurately, I was given as a birthday present in 1974, was a John Denver LP entitled "Rocky Mountain High". I think it is somewhere in a box in the attic! I still have my (now largely unused) Sony tower hi-fi equipment from the 1970s which has a turntable so I might even still be able to play it!
