Thursday 11 May 2017

Drains: and floats and rains...

Hot water tank seriously on the blink - new one coming tomorrow...

Septic tank outlet pump on the blink - next week for a repair sometime...

Shower started to leak into the kitchen again two days ago...

And we're short of rain???


  1. Hoho. Must be plumbing week. I have just changed a tap in one of our bathrooms. Owning a house means having a constant litany of things to sort out, repair or replace. Still, keeps us away from the telly or the computer for a while, I suppose!

  2. Yup, it's one of those weeks...

    We have a service contract for private drainage, and they've just phoned to say they'll be over on Tuesday early...

    They're usually pretty good, so at least we can see light at the end of the tunnel (drain)..;0)

    Better stay off the beer for a day or so!

    Mind you, we had a super lunch with a daught here: -

    Marvelous lunch - great place to revisit in the summer hols with the GCs, so it ain't all bad!

  3. It's raining here in Derbyshire. Mowed the lawn just in time.

  4. It's worse when you have a leak that you just can't pinpoint.

  5. I dream of being short of rain.
