Saturday 5 December 2015

Noisy neighbours...

The Doily Moil has this interesting article...

...and Mrs Scroblene and I have issues with this, as we agree that some places are just too noisy to enjoy a quiet plate of pasta or maybe a sandwich and a glass or seven of a nice Chardonnay!

There's one place in town which has a sort of sunken area in the seating area, where it's well understood, that if one is seated at a particular spot in this place, the sound of their voices is replicated elsewhere on the perimeter! I think it's the Spaghetti House off Cavendish Square or thereabouts, (depending on how many sherberts one has imbibed in the client's office before departing for the rest of the afternoon, or maybe the rest of the week, but I may be wrong...)!

Some respondents reported that they learned of several deals from whispered discussions, as they turned up on the cheaper tables with an amplification rather like that of an an elephant, or at least a mountain lion!

It's a long, long time ago, that I experienced this phenomenon, and also probably the last time I had lunch with a proper worked-for millionaire, so times have really changed!


Can you hear me; me, me, me ...?


  1. That's one attraction of blogging, it's amazingly quiet.

  2. *whisper* Have you been to the Whispering Dome at St Paul's Cathedral?

    One thing that drives us crazy is irresponsible parents allowing their little (plural of your word from yesterday!) racing about and yelling while folks are trying to have a pleasant dinner with friends. Mustn't tell them off - might offend them and totally ruin their entire childhood, while their parents have an attack of the vapours.

  3. You're much more prolific at blogging than me, Mr H, and I'm wondering occasionally, if this 'quiet' period will ever change!

    Nobody I know personally blogs...

  4. I'd agree with that in spades, Reevers!

    We're booked in for lunch near here on Friday, and I've asked for a window table, as if they're running round me all the time, there'll be the odd foot popped out into the aisle;0)
