Sunday 13 December 2015

Easy riser...

I've always thought that these feats of engineering were a real boon for anyone to get from one floor to another. The Stannah Lift allows people to stay in their own homes, and not resort to downsizing etc, and also will give the grandchildren something to play on when they visit...

Some years ago, I became so enamoured with the concept, that I wrote to the company asking if I could sell these things for them. They sent me a pleasant reply, but no, I couldn't, and my hopes of bringing good cheer to late middle-aged citizens - like myself, were dashed!

A good chum reminds me that Barry Cryer once said that he wanted to install a Stannah Lift, so that he could get upstairs in enough time for him not to forget why he wanted to go up there in the first place, and amen to that!


  1. The thought sends shivers down my spine.

  2. Definitely an improvement on having to clamber into the dumb waiter...

  3. Santa makes do with the chimney and he must be getting on a bit. Mind you, he ends up on the roof.

  4. It may be so, Thud, but think of the effort to get up there...

  5. There's a pub near here, Reevers, where there is some speculation that the dumb waiter was implicit in a wedding cake just vanishing into thin air!

    Apparently, on a famous local wedding breakfast, the cake was sent up to the main room, and never appeared...

    All very spooky, what?

  6. Santa would find it a bit difficult getting past JRT, Mr H...

    He'd have a leg severely bitten off as soon as you can say 'Ding Dong Merr...'
