Tuesday 8 July 2014

Credits where credit's due...

With Dame Janet Smith's enquiry into sex scandals at the BBC being published later on this year. it struck me that this must be the easiest investigation ever, for one simple reason!

Everyone sits back at the end of a programme and ignores the screen, even if it is a dire 'celeb reality' waste of money, or a weedy modern play, but still the credits roll up the screen and every name of everyone involved in the production reels off. So we have the director, the producer, the gaffer (ha ha ha), the dogsbody etc, all emblazoned for the world to see!

So it must be the easiest job in the world for Inspector Knacker to come along and ask all these published witnesses in a serious voice, what they were up to on the day children and vulnerable youngsters were molested, and what they did about it! What did they see? Were they in the dressing rooms at the time that it was all a bit quiet? Who was the chap sidling along with a fake clip-board? What did the parents say? Were the parents even there?

I'm sure the BBC inquiry will be aware of this, and hopefully, we will not get the whitewash which is expected! It's bad enough expecting politicians to cough up when they're cornered, but there must be several names on the TV credits, who may be just more than a little worried by now!

But we have their names eh..?


  1. Scrobs, interesting, but given that we now know who has been appointed to lead/conduct Theresa's "enquiries", I suggest you get down to Elias's Emporium and stock up with whitewash whilst he still has a can or two in stock.

  2. Good idea, Reevers!

    Nothing purposeful will come from this sorry state of affairs, as the cover-up and secrecy will never be brought to light!

    I mistrust politicians even more these days, and these events are no exception.

  3. I tend to work on the iceberg principle. Ninety percent of the story always stays submerged and the point of an inquiry is to keep it that way.

  4. I'm sure they will, Mr H. As politicians are a very mis-trusted bunch, they'll never produce a real answer, only squirm around - on full pay and expenses of course.

  5. The BBC try their best to implicate Margaret Thatcher with pedarists - but we know for SURE that the BBC was up to its neck in it.

  6. Time will tell, Elecs, and we'll still be waiting until hell freezes over....
