Sunday 29 June 2014

Lovely Rita, meter maid...

This is just gorgeous...


  1. Foot-tappin' rvi30 June 2014 at 03:08

    Brilliant Scrobs. Thanks for putting that one up. Takes me back to the 1970s, a very happy decade for me personally.

    What a great way to start the week!

    Pity they don't make them like that any more.

  2. What a stupendous dancer she was. She died prematurely of Alzheimer's in her early sixties, so sad but her daughter the Princess Yasmin, daughter of the Aga Khan started a charity for Alzheimer's sufferers.
    So sad an ending for such an enormous talent ,
    RIP Rita Heyworth.


  3. It's gorgeous, isn't it!

    She had such superb grace and style, and the remix is a great way to get a smile on your face!

  4. That was very clever. Correct tempo throughout.

    (I love the shape of women's bodies in those days.)
