Wednesday 21 August 2013

Paradise in Kent...

Scrobs and BP spent a day here (Broadstairs, and paid work for once), and the traditional post-site meeting had to take place in The Charles Dickens Pub, overlooking Viking Bay!

Stunning views of the sea, and the blasted wind turbines in the distance, (all stock still, despite the breeze), and a fearful glance at Bleak House, on the hill (top right)

This really is a hidden gem, spotlessly clean, with plenty of sun and sand for families, and fine hospitality from the pub, which went on a little as there was far too much to discuss...


  1. I like wind turbines (better than pylons by far.)Even if I do think they are a folly.

    Your Blackadder post was brilliant by the way. You could easily have been on the original script team. Were you, perchance ???

  2. This the 'Array', but why it has to be not working on a pleasant sea breeze, is anyone's guess!

    Thanks for the compliment on Blackadder, and no, I'm not an original writer unfortunately, but the idea of a new one was dreamed up in the small hours when we were having a serious problem with the company, and I needed something to take my mind off banks and other scum...

  3. I keep thinking I want to try out some of the Kent seaside towns. The problem is they are so difficult to get to!

  4. I wouldn't mind visiting Kent with the family but its cheaper to go on a long weekend to Italy!

  5. Blues, it is well worth a visit believe me!

    Get a table upstairs in the Charles Dickens pub, and prepare for government!

    Trains from London are frequent and not expensive now. They are also pretty damn quick too!

  6. Yes, you're probably right, Thud.

    Its a shame that the country which invented railways, can't allow good people like you and the rest of the Vino crowd, come and visit for a few quid!

    I'd love to introduce all you guys to the spots round here, we'd have a field day!!
