Sunday 15 March 2009

A walk in the hills...

As I've bored most readers of this space, my job is uncovering new development opportunities for my two colleagues, and much of my time is spent with seeking sites which are 'off market', as well as visiting various wine establishments to talk to interested parties.

Once I've hunted down an opportunity, we then hound it to death either to get a scheme going, or try and move it on to someone else while we go for the next one.

It's actually hard work, and not easy in this financial climate which has been mostly devastated by the disgraceful antics of 'Business Secretary' Mandelson, 'Badger' Darling, and of course, the worst Prime Minister ever installed (not voted), in our once green and pleasant land.

The other day, as parking was prohibited in a particular area, I dd the whole patch on foot. This is not always the best option, but if you can last until the end of the clip, then you're lucky not to have the screaming Hab Dabs with Oak Leaves in Spades, which is what I have as we speak...

This is where I spent a 'close-trousering' afternoon last week...


  1. You know it's not wise to go out for a walk in the country alone, Scroblene

  2. Oy vey!! I hope you had your parachute tested before starting out!

  3. Touching cloth, as you say.

  4. Hello Scrobers my friend.
    I really thought you were now, sort of, 'retired'.
    DT and I have not worked for so many years that the only thing we are both capable of, is.... him stacking shelves...and me, on the 'check out' at the local supermarket...

    All our hard earned , and saved, dosh is going to the 'Big Plan'...

    Socialists....don't you just love 'em !


  5. That's what I said Blues, well nearly...

    In fact I shouted 'Bloody hellfire...' just before I nearly passed out...

  6. Hats, of course you're right, bit I couldn't resist it...

    I've got another one somewhere, which I'll try and upload, although it's on Powerpoint...

  7. Reevers - it's the holes in the concrete which frighten me to death anyway...

    See reply above - you need one there, when I can get it shown that is!

  8. Truby Doos! Lovely to hear from you again!

    I've always said that I can retire when I'm 103, and I'm still on target for just that!

    Glad you have a big plan, keep it up!

    Ours was spent on funding the whims of the bent politicians we have in power at the moment...

  9. Is that really your footage ?

    I'd love to do that walk...

    ... without the safety wire.
