Sunday 8 March 2009


In these awful times, when our government has failed most of the population of our country, there's not much to bring any light to the impending doom which is unfortunatly going to happen to many citizens this very year.

A few years back, I had a consultancy with a great firm which specialised in planning. I mean, they were serious professionals with eye watering clients who paid real money to get planning permissions on huge sites. They are still a favourite company of mine, and I loved my days working in their offices, bringing some grey hair to the 'younger', (definitely more attractive and well skilled in their profession), people there. Everyone was much younger than me, and I loved their chat and banter, and was accepted as 'the chap who helps out here and there'.

About then, Coldplay had stormed through the music positions with 'Clocks'.

I can easily recall hearing those enigmatic opening bars, and thinking 'Sod that - I could have made that up in my sleep...'!

But I hadn't. And I now understand that they are still beautifully crafted. One of the guys I worked with had it as his ringtone on his mobile; and this is just what I like about working with people like him.

Everyone knows the song, but here it is for someone who might just like to know what freezes me for a few seconds every time I hear it.


  1. A good intro, I agree. The problem is when he opens his mouth and starts whining. Sorry, singing.

    I think Rush of Blood is a work of greatness. But the Oasis manager had a point when he described Coldplay as "bedwetters' music".

  2. Think you're right Iders - about the singing, but it does have some appeal - and at least he puts a bit of emotion in...

    Ha ha ha - .Bedwetter's music' - that's new to me!

  3. One of my cousins from Oz enthused about Coldplay to me when they emerged..I shocked him by saying that I was sick of listening to young men whine....I then went on to destroy what connection we had by admitting to not caring less about fox hunting....

    I do like the track "The Scientist" though and Chris Martin is quite a poppet....


  4. Well Lils, you could have also said that rugby was for woofters, Fosters ached, Barry Mckenzie was English and gone the whole hog...

    Younger Daught got me onto them very soon after they came on the scene. They made a change from Bjork...

  5. This one: -

    Appears to commence with a dilating sphincter.

  6. Bloody well chopped off the end.

  7. what really amazes me is the number of artists who have "convictions" but don't seem to do anything which is really uncomfortable to them to support them...i remember the days of harry chapin and doing fastathons (days without food) to raise money for the hungry on the it wouldn't be nutritionally correct and i am sure there would be someone raising a stink about it...but to be honest, none of us suffered much going 3 days without food and it lent a realization most don't have now...and won't

  8. Morning Haskett!

    So good to see you over here from that village...

    I think I've managed to reach your new address, and have stumbled on an amazing revelation!

    By the way, All I got from the link was a choice of three million uninteresting children singing some kind of songs which are identical in the imitations of squeaky little voices...

  9. Daisers you're right of course. But I don't really take any notice of antics like that any more.

    I was a bit miffed the other day, when, just out of curiosity, I tried to find out whatever happened to Mary Hopkin.

    When I eventually got to her music publisher's site, it seemed to me from the content that there was absolutely no interest in communicating with the people who used to quite like a bit of her singing. She was one of the 'darlings' of the Welsh then and had a following like Charlotte Church etc. She does seem to demand obscurity, and I suppose that's really her entitlement.

    Anyway, I made an excuse and came back here...

  10. A great piano riff actually.

    I saw Gwyneth Paltrow up close in a wet suit a couple of years ago...

    ... phwoar ! I mean ... REALLY phwoar !!!

    Stunning in the flesh.(I didn't know it was her until a few days later when her picture surfing appeared in The Sun)
