Tuesday 25 June 2024

Brie addiction...

For some reason, we seem to have accumulated a huge stock of this delicacy, and by generous coincidence, we  also received two separate pieces of this gorgeous cheese!

We're currently addicted to both the French variety, and also the English one, usually from Somerset - where the cider apples Grooooooow...(hang on, that's the Coates cider advert Scrobs - Ed), and even last evening, a pleasurable brace of wraps with English tomatoes from Thanet Earth became a banquet beyond compare!

Many years ago, Don McKenzie, the publican of a favourite watering hole, 'The New Inn', in Winchelsea, wrote to the Daily Telegraph, and they published his letter, in which he expressed concern that the French were soon to be producing cheddar cheese! Of course, outrage ensued, and several apolectic missives were in abundance! 

I have a tender memory of the man, because it was purely down to him that I met with the future Senora, and the rest is history, so he really was right!

But back then, who'd have thought that this lovely comestible would become a future prority on the regular visits to Tesco, and half of it would not have to come across The Channel...


Of course, there's always this...


  1. Round here, Brie is quite staggeringly popular in the manor squire, but I've just checked the fridge and... no I finished it off yesterday.

  2. “For some reason …”

    Love it, Scrobs. :)

  3. Found a packet of 'brie bites' in crispy crumb on the supermarket end of range shelf a couple of days ago. Warmed up they made a tasty side dish (for almost anything).

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It's becoming an addiction James, but I'll get over it - when I recover...

  6. AK, I still have a carton of Philly in the fridge, but that would dampen my ardour, I'm sure...

  7. DJ, I'm in Tesco tomorrow, and will search diligently for these delicacies - I really need such items these days...

  8. "but I'll get over it - when I recover..."

    Gals at our NHS course were talking about this ... we never do, ha ha, as I munch on another stem ginger cookie.

  9. I'm thinking of a recipe to use some in a deep-fryer patry construction, complete with reinforcement mesh and a scattering of rocket leaves!

    I did say I was just 'thinking' about it though...

  10. Read pastry for that, not patry...!

    I wasn't thinking that much!
