Wednesday 15 May 2024

Rim shots...


Just recently, this track has been featuring on my Spotify account, as I still think it is one of the best drum solos I've ever heard!

Tony Meehan opened up all sorts of new drum rhythms, and I well remember the bass line, by Jet Harris, (and not all that complicated), thundering through the floorboards of the rooms downstairs at school!

One of my school chums was a pretty good drummer, and he explained to me how rim-shots were made. In basic terms, the stick is allowed to hit both the rim of the drum, and the drum-skin at the same time, giving a sharp staccato sound which adds variability to the general output of the operation.

It seems to me, that Meehan was doing an awful lot of these here, and I just love it all!

Some years ago, I was working in the garage with the radio on, listening to Invicta Radio, and the presenter had a competition going about identifying short sections of records. This piece came on and I half-hearted ly muttered the title I knew so well. He kept on playing it as nobody was ringing in with the answer, so in desperation, I ran indoors and rang him up!

The upshot was, that I immediately went on air with the answer, and had a few seconds friendly discussion with the chap, who promised me a prize and a request next time he was on!

Now wasn't that a nice little story! The prize was a decent LP of the Three Tenors, and lots of publicity stuff for the station! My request was 'All around my hat' by Steeleye Span, as back then it was on daily, and I just thought it was the right track which I liked too!


  1. Awwww, that’s sweet, Scrobs.

  2. Yup, it really did happen, but I didn't mention that I also had one of the worst hangovers I'd ever experienced, and had decided to stay on my own out in the garage, as I'd only make the family more miserable...

  3. “One of my school chums was a pretty good drummer, and he explained to me how rim-shots were made. In basic terms, the stick is allowed to hit both the rim of the drum, and the drum-skin at the same time.”

    Yep, used to do that with mine, not that I was any good of course. The cymbals and hi-hat were another area for tricks.

  4. I've just looked up my old chum, and apparently, he was the drummer with 'Dafne and the Tenderspots', in 1979...

    Phil Collins and Chester Thompson sometimes did a duel, drumming on bar stools, which was pretty good!

    Bill Bruford is probably my favourite drummer now though!

  5. Here's some more info James...

    (You don't need an account, it'll play as normal)!
