Wednesday 3 April 2024

April evening...


Still stirs the soul...


  1. Yes it certainly stirs the soul. Can also be a disturbing reminder that things on the national ought to be much better than they are.

  2. Thank you very much for that. I forget when I last heard that song, but it was definitely lo-fi. Maybe BBC long wave.
    The first time was definitely on my Granny's wind-up 78 rpm, give or take a few, Grannyphone. With a new sharp needle it was the best I'd ever heard.
    Pause for thought.

  3. True sentiment that, AK...

    Like my post on your site, I'm beginning to get more than concerned!

  4. It's a beautiful song, DH, and always touches the heartstrings around now!

    Dad's version was a brown 45rpm record, and back then, I thought it seemed odd that such a treasure should be that colour!
