Sunday 21 January 2024

Required reading cock-up...

I'm trying to update the recent posts list, and Blogger won't let me change the names! I type in the names, and the URLs, then it won't let me save them - or delete them!

Does anyone know why this is please - I use Blogger of course!

Any ideas anyone...?


  1. It's annoying, James, because I want to tidy up and add the Scriblerus names, and just can't!

    I've looked online, and there's some techy stuff, but I haven't found a real solution yet!


  2. Try reverting to draft, then altering, then republishing.

  3. Thanks Sackers!

    It might well be a way forward, and I usually publish, then spot a typo, (blaaaast), so I'll have a go!
