Thursday 18 May 2023

Nine trays in an hour...

At this time of year, there is always a frantic panic about planting flowers and other plants out, and this year's been no exception! 

I always get far too many bedding plants, and grew about 130 tomato plants as well, mainly for chums, but it's been a nightmare this month trying to reorganise everything for getting the garden straight! The weather has been firmly against us.

Having walked the dog after lunch, and rested the inside of the eyelids, it occurred to me around 5.00pm, that I should really get my arse in gear and actually do something! The sun was shining, the weather was kind, and a revitalised Scrobs bounced outside to the green house, and potted on nine long planters in ONE HOUR! This is a record, and is now recorded for posterity!

So the colourful displays are ready for their resting places, and I've used up all the compost, so will have to revisit our lovely garden centre yet again for refills, and a chat with the owners, who are all firm friends!

I really do think I've started the season at long last...


  1. Gardening should be an event in the Olympics instead of all that running. Running is no use to anyone apart from bank robbers, but gardening for display or eating is on a different level. Yours sounds like a gold medal performance to me. Mrs H set up another raised bed yesterday after I'd assembled it. Only a plastic square but they do work.

  2. An Interestingly timely post, given today’s news reports of Alan Titchmarsh defending traditional horticultural skills in the face of Chelsea judges potentially awarding prizes to ‘wild gardens’ designed to look untouched by human hand.

    Perhaps anyone submitting a garden design should first be required to pass a time-trial incorporating a variety of basic skills; nine trays in an hour sounds like a pretty good target to which to aspire and should weed out - so to speak - the trendy theoretical gardeners.

  3. High energy gardening! Well done. I'll be lucky to get 20 decent tomato plants this year.

  4. The plastic beds are quite new, AK, and well reccommended by fellow gardeners with whom I share a few tips, so well done that Lady - and you or course!

  5. Macheath - I usually quite like Titchmarsh, but get fed up with too much 'organic' stuff, as normal gardeners don't waste time on watching the crazy BBC guff which goes 'whoosh' over one's head...

    One Chelsea garden was all concrete and pretty awful, so I'll ignore that sort of stuff...

  6. Thank you James, I like a challenge, and getting awake at 5.00pm is sometimes one of those issues, after a post-prandial tincture of some magnitude...

  7. Mark, if you're anywhere in Kent over the next few days, I have four 'Shirley' tom plants available for your French attention!

  8. "a post-prandial tincture of some magnitude"

    Ah, so that's your secret!

  9. I think it's the matter of feeling a bit guilty, like a sort of 'post-tincture triste', which stirs (not shakes) the psyche, and the urge to self-preservation kicks in to complete the task of 'just doing it'!

    Or I just get fed up with lounging around and feel like going out for a breath of fresh air...
