Friday 3 February 2023

Shameslessly borrowed from Concrete Sea...

A friend of mine sent me a link to a BBC weather report:-

Why have there been no named winter storms this year?

By February, the UK would normally have had around three storms given names by the Met Office – just like Arwen, Barra and Callum. But so far this autumn and winter, there hasn’t been a single one.

I’m sure we shouldn’t worry, but to help them out I’ve thought of a few:-

Storm Boris. A lot of bluster and blowing with a considerable amount of hot air.
Storm Nicola. A nasty vicious little storm generally prevalent in the North and independent of all other UK storms. People are apt to take little notice of it, but can cause widespread damage in Scotland, apart from to the trans community.
Storm Liz. Blew away before it even started (thankfully).
Storm Kier. Another storm people take little notice of. Often present but generally ineffective and lacking in power.
Storm Rishi. A small storm, but can be persistent and slightly annoying.
Storm Nadhim. Originates from Iraq, but deceptive and often seen offshore, eventually blown away by storm Rishi.

(H/T Concrete Sea - BBBC).


  1. Storm Tony. Keeps coming back just when we thought we might get to grips with all the damage from last time.

  2. We even got a small (dis)gust of michael heseltine on Talk Radio this morning, smelt foul!
