Monday 31 October 2022

Flat bottle, pleasant surprise...

Senora O'Blene and Scrobs are rather partial to Aussie wines, especially a nice oaky Chardonnay, and it was indeed an eye-opener when these particular flat bottles appeared on the shelves of our grocer!

The bottle is all plastic, and the contents are hardly Grand Cru, but somehow, this packaging seems to suit the style and taste of a half-decent bottle of wine, which sits very comfortably in the fridge! In fact two bottles take up the same space as one glass bottle, and we rather like that idea!

We've never been expoments of the snobby ABC crowd , (Anything But Chardonnay), and the grape is a mainstay of most champagnes anyway, but somehow that little fact seems to be ignored!

Years ago, we went across the pond to the USA, and spent a couple of weeks exploring some delightful vineyards, and our favourite at the time was Fetzer, which was totally new to us! Having remembered laughing at the original concept of New World wines way back in the sixties, the new versions became our favourites, and still are! The Australian styles are still high up on our lists, and long may they flourish, flat-pack and all!



  1. But will it fit into a coat pocket?

  2. Yes, indeed it will!

    I have to admit that I hadn't thought of that particular issue...
