Tuesday 11 October 2022

Cloud nine...


While delving a little deeper into the local weather report, Scrobs was amazed to see that proper meteorologists can identify so many cloud formations!

My 'Boys Book of Just About Everything', which was a present when I was about six years old, showed the basic cloud formations like Cirrus and Nimbus, but until now, as I'm seventy years older, the revelation of so many more formations has taken me somewhat by surprise - and at my tender age, a few surprises are very, very welcome!

In order from the top, we have Asperatus, Mammatus and Iridescent, all found here: - 


...and a fascinated Scrobs is still marvelling at such beauty, especially as around this time of year, some early morning views are just spectacular anyway...


  1. I wandered, lonely as an asperatus doesn't quite have the same ring . . .

  2. We see some beautiful early morning skies on the school run at this time of year. Combined with the sight of mist in the valleys and the brilliant colours of sunrise, it's a pleasure to get up early enough to see it all.

  3. Sackers, they are indeed!

    Even this morning, there was a 'poor man's' version of one of these, and as is my wont,. I'd left the bloody phone at home...


  4. If you can remember Mad Magazine, TheJ, they once wrote, 'I wandered lonely as a clod, all surrounded by lots of bottles, and all of a sudden I was in a sudden group of axolotls'!

    ...Funny how one remembers these things.

  5. It's getting earlier now, AK!

    I had to be up and out with small (big) dog at 6.45 today, and stll missed a fabulous sunrise!

  6. Yes, I remember MAD Magazine! They used to do great spoofs of films, too.

  7. I used to buy copies of Mad Magazine regularly, and some of the books too, Sackers!

    The one word I always remembered was 'Axolotl', and it formed the basis of a great organisation I started years ago, when I was gainfully employed!


    It really did work, and there were several occasions where I managed to fill gaps in the list with good friends, and they always reciprocated!

    Happy days...

  8. You seem to have amazing weather, here its just heavy grey clouds scudding in from the Irish sea, occasionally beautiful, usually bloody depressing!

  9. It's only the bottom pic from here, Thud, the others are from elsewhere, but yes, we do get some nice stuff occasionally!

    Blimey, this is fifteen years old to the week!

