Sunday 14 August 2022

Covers unavailable...

There's some sort of pop festival going on near here, with names of bands I've never heard of, but the kids might have...

After three days, I've only recognised one song, 'Pinball wizard', and that was pretty dire, and it struck me that the sort of music I enjoy is never covered by any of the squealing/yelling lot, as : -

1) I like proper pomp rock played by real pros like Rick Wakeman or Steve Hackett!


2) they couldn't play it or sing it...

As we've had to have the windows open because of the heat, we've had the full nine yards of rubbish, so I can't wait until 8.30 tonight when they all bugger off home.


  1. Every year we have to endure a local outdoor "music" festival. We are some distance away but the over-amplified, distorted sound drifts across, the volume going up and down depending on the direction of the breeze. It's as if the Co-op supermarket turned the volume right up - yes it's that classy.

  2. Quite understand, AK!

    It was the 'boom boom boom' regularity with such poor yelling that got on our nerves!

    Apparently, one of the later bands were half OK, but we'd battened down the hatches by then...

  3. I love music but would never let my choice intrude on the privacy of others.

  4. It was pretty dire, Thud!

    I'm sure the background thumping was to blame, but a distance of a couple of hundred yards dims any of the finer stuff, so we lost out really!

    Apparently, the later acts were quieter, but by then we'd battened down the hatches!
