Friday 11 March 2022

Lorra lorra steps...


A few years ago, Younger Daught and SIL bought me one of these Fitbits, and as a tech addition to my menagerie of stuff, I'm still enjoying the presence of a watch which tells me how far I've walked!

Since New Dog arrived on the scene a few weeks ago, the demands on sturdy walks have become an obsession, and to beat the 10,000 steps a day is an ideal that Scrobs relishes, such that as of a minute ago, I find that today I have walked 7.21 km, burned 2,192 calories, and have walked upstairs 15 times!

I hope the weight drops off soon, as it's a bit tiring...


  1. I walk upstairs a lot too, but I don't want a gadget counting the number of times I do it. That would remind me that I don't always know why I went upstairs so I have to come down again until I do remember.

  2. My daughter offered me one: i didn't accept for fear of exceeding her figures . . . that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Funnily enough she's had so many fail that I would have binned it long ago.

  3. Wife and kids have these and love them and I must admit I like to check in with wife how far we have walked when out.

  4. You may need a stair lift, AK, then you can get upstairs in time to remember why you went in the first place! (RIP Barry Cryer)!

  5. My proper watch died a couple of months ago, TheJ, and I rescued the Fitbit as a stand-in, just as we got New Dog!

    Normally I buy 'gardening watches' from the local charity shop for a couple of quid, and one has been going for nearly ten years!

  6. It's a basic model, Thud, not an iWatch, but all sorts of stuff comes out of it, and is mainly binned...

    But I need a decent story for my favourite nurse when she gives me a bollocking each time I see her...

  7. The secret is pace, not number of steps.

    See Joe Wicks for diet and fitness and Dr Michael Mosley on HIIT. All of it free online.

    You want minimal time training so that you are motivated to do it daily. Over 40 you need to be doing some weight training too.

    Sarcopenia is your enemy. Not fat.

    Cut back on salt and sugar too. And DON'T SMOKE DO DRUGS or DRINK HEAVILY.

  8. Bullworker.

    Remember that device ?

    Yup. It's a gimmick... but the exercises it promotes aren't.


    Get a towel and a kid's football and you can replicate all the isometric training that a Bullworker does.

    In four weeks of ten minute Bullworker routines I guarantee you will be feeling like the Terminator with your Newby gains.

    Substitute a towel for pulls and a kid's football for compressions and you get exactly the same pump and will feel GRRREAT very soon.
