Wednesday 2 February 2022

Tete-a-tete on 2-2-22...

One of the loveliest times of the year is when these little beauties appear!

Last year, we bought a dozen or so small pots, and I saved the bulbs for this year, and they're just beginning to show outside, but the inside ones on the window sills are well away!

Daffodils are just fabulous harbingers of spring, and I've only just noticed the hedgerows coming to light as well, so all looks good again!



  1. Yes they are very welcome. We have a few in the garden but we ought to plant more as a cheery sight early in the year.

  2. They're so cheap to buy from supermarkets etc., it seems a shame that they never really get the prominence they desrve!

    I re-potted all lat year's bulbs, and we now have about fifteen displays in various stages of flowering, and we just love them!
