Wednesday 19 January 2022

What a complete and utter shower..

We're having a new shower installed this week. It's not really rocket science, and the story isn't actually any more interesting than Bozzagate, but it does mean that after the end of this week, Senora O'Blene won't have to negotiate a biggish step into a very slippery shower, where one is at one's most vulnerable, and I'm all for that at our time of life!

Just idly totting up the cost of getting a bit older is quite an eye-opener, and even yesterday, we were smugly working our way through a bottle of red, and thanking our lucky stars that we didn't do yet another foreign holiday, or bought a flash car, (much as I always wanted to renovate a Morgan three-wheeler), and when the costs of heating 'The Turrets' goes through the roof in April, at least we'll be able to keep washed and dressed...

I really fear for so many good citizens who will be clobbered by the hike in power rates. It's unbelievable that so many of them still haven't a clue what's going to hit them, and Citizen's Advice will be over-run with anxious callers.

Not a good time I'm afraid, and all the 'opposition', the BBC and shrieking rags can do, is squeal about some sort of party that happened years ago!


  1. Ach ja... I could not agree more with you! Why is people so obsessed with people who had dealings with certain parties from so many years ago? Mein alter freund Friedrich was deported from the US only last February for his own involvement with a party from seventy five years past!

  2. And that was just after the war, so infidelities were all coming home to roost, and recreational chemicals were being produced in abundance for the coming hippy generation!

  3. I'm not surprised Bozzagate has cropped up now - when the cost of heating goes through the roof in April, somebody will need to blame the chap they replaced.

  4. Sod the parties, lets just get on with getting the country going and benefit from the freedom we now have from Europe.

  5. Too right, Thud!

    It's mostly to do with the May elections I guess, and the fact that the BBC are at last on the run!
