Sunday 7 November 2021

Thanks to the KSS Air Ambulance...

Just recently, Scrobs has been very aware of what emergency services do, and as it's the time of year. the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance people are sending out tickets for their Christmas raffle.

The KSS are our preferred - in fact our only charity, and while we don't give a lot of money, we like to support them whenever they have some sort of promotion, so we usually dip in, as we often hear their helicopters around, sometimes landing near us on an open field, which is an exciting experience, except the circumstances aren't very pleasant!

We've just bought some raffle tickets, and popped in another tenner for a small donation, but were amazed that a few days later, we received a card with a handwritten note inside, thanking us!

The card was actually drawn by ten-year-old Louis Parvin, who fractured his skull a few years ago, and it really gladdens my heart to know that just about all their donations are channelled into their fabulous service, and to think that someone there has picked up a pen to thank us, is admirable!

These good people don't pay themselves huge amounts, most of them are volunteers, and the paramedics are NHS, so know their stuff!

Thank you KSS, you've made Scrobs feel so much better!

(Apols for the quality of the pics, the scanner's playing up)!


  1. Our local air ambulance doesn't seem to do much round here apart from putting collection bags through the door, collecting for their charity shops. We save up anything worth passing on for their shops to sell and leave it out to be collected. The rubbish we just want to be rid of goes into the other charity bags.

  2. That surprises me, AK, because you live in one of the loveliest walking areas in the country!

  3. I meant as an active charity collecting the cash. We see the air ambulance helicopter passing overhead all the time. Not so long ago it had to land in the Matlock park where we regularly go for a coffee.

  4. So sorry, AK, I totally missed your point!

    In fact, the KSS don't do charity bags - well, not here at least, but we have a great cottage hospital, which also has a shop etc., and they raise huge amounts for patients there! All our unwanted stuff goes there, but to see some of my rugby shirts and jeans, one would suspect that they'd be made into blanketes pretty damn quickly...
