Saturday 25 September 2021

Collis Browne's is no more...


The most efficacious Chlorodyne is no more!

It has been a staple in the Scrobs household since we spliced the mainbrace, or nipped over the sticks, or did whatever marriage was called in 1972...

We are heartbroken, and now, every stomachial twinge will have to be dealt with by a darkened room and three Ibuprophen...


  1. I presume they found out that it was cheap and cured wuflu?

  2. It used to be a bit troublesome in the eyes of the thought police, because it contained a small amount of morphine!

    It really was great stuff, and I can't find any now!

  3. A distant memory from my childhood - before the Civil War.

  4. That sounds like formidable stuff. Almost worth having a cough just to sample it.

  5. Before the Civil War...

    Modo, my dear friend - how the devil are you?

    Is Fuller still practising the French Horn at 3.00am?

  6. It's fabulous, AK!

    The warming element (not electric...), is perfect for those days when there's some sort of recollection that the toasted cheese and onion sandwich at 10.00pm the previous night, was perhaps inadvisable!
