Wednesday 19 August 2020

Rock prog for Raedwald...

I don't know if this will work, but this morning, and still feeling a bit lonely without the usual post from our friend, a clicker came up on my PC screen to tell me that the Prog Rock Stream was playing.

It was my favourite album by Peter Gabriel - the soundtrack from the film 'Birdy'. There's a track on the album which has a secret which I will divulge one day - and I'm being serious for once - but as it was playing, (couldn't sleep, and it was 4:00am), I mused that while already missing our old mate, the music fitted the feeling. So I clicked the live chat, and away we went! While I'm used to blogging as you've found out with tiresome expectation over the years, I don't Tweet or Bookface, so live chat isn't really my way to communicate, but somehow, our old chum, up there, said just 'goferit Scrobs'!

So, for better or worse, here's the music which the site-owner has put together for Raeders, and I hope that it'll be taken in the spirit of trying to reclaim a loss which we never can do, but may just settle a few sad minds.

If it all works, just click the button and see - if it doesn't, then I'm sorry, but I tried...


  1. Not my kind of music, but today it does what it needs to do, RIP Radders.

  2. I think of all the good bloggers that have gone... quite a few now.

    I still light a candle for Beast whenever I'm in a church.

  3. Kev, you need to take up the keyboard again.

  4. Thanks Thud. I only happened to find the stream by accident, and just joined in the chat!

    I also mentioned 'Yes' and 'Genesis', and they happily complied!

    Sorry, I know it's not your music, but if you ask them, they may well do one you like!

  5. Quite right, Kev!

    The usual suspects have gone, Anna Racoon included and don't forget Mutley too! He always talked about Bridport, when he actually came from Folkestone!

    The Beast was in a world of his own! Lils told me several stories about him which would make your hair curl!

  6. Raedwald and the things he wrote are remembered by many people who didn't know him and that's a worthwhile achievement. Couldn't happen not so long ago.

  7. I didn't know. So sad 😢

  8. He was one of the best, Pips, I miss his posts already.

  9. Thanks, I've been enjoying the selection.
