Sunday 9 August 2020

'Bye Sue, from Campton...

Scrobs had to go to yet another funeral last week.

It was for a dear cousin, who'd ended her life with an awful stroke, and left her family in total distress.

Not that Scrobs ever believes that life is interminable, but the trip to the Crem, was also part of a 'visit' to say hello to uncles, aunts and the rest, and as it was probably going to be the last time I ever went there, I had to take some Sweet Peas for Uncle Ken and Auntie Nip, as they were such a fabulous Aunt and Uncle. I tried to find my grandparents' grave in Campton, but to no avail!

This week has been a bit of a bugger, I haven't felt like this for many years, but to lose such a close relative, is becoming more apparent, and upsetting these days.

Bollocks - life moves on I suppose...


  1. Every day above ground is a good one scrobs.

  2. So right, Thud!

    Move on - feel better the next week!

  3. I did not mean to sound callous here though, I do understand the feeling of loss.

  4. Aw no, Thud, I didn't think you were for one moment!

    Any news on the house?

  5. Yes, to lose anyone close is upsetting. As you say, life moves on but as it does move on the loss of worthy people isn't easy to put aside.

    The son of a cousin of mine died earlier this month - I hardly knew him but still there is that grim reminder of the inevitable.

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss Scrobs. No matter what age you are the loss of a dear one is always hard to bear. To grieve and remember them is a good thing to do, but our lives keep plodding on as usual so we must try and make the most of it.

  7. Thank you, Mr H. Getting over it as we speak, and I'm sorry for your loss as well.

  8. Goosey, how lovely to see your name in lights again, I hope and trust you are well!

    Thank you for this, I'll email you of course!
