Tuesday 26 May 2020

Foul press...

Newspapers: still the most important medium for understanding the ...

Why are the people in the press so nasty these days?

Is it because the dead-tree paper business will die out soon, and people will just get their news when and where they like, from their PCs, phones, Ipads etc?

Makes sense to me - I read the news online, I can easily ignore the dross about royalty and the unpleasant, ugly, tattooed slebs and foobollers. I rather like to see some 'journos' getting hot under the collar, but wonder if they're really up to their jobs, especially most of the BBC people, so all I have to do when I get disinterested, is go...



  1. They sell papers that way because some people relish someone getting trounced for whatever egotistical reason because it satisfies their ID. This has nothing to with their identity but it's the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest in the conflict between the drives of the id and the demands of the cultural superego.

    Personally I take it all with a pinch of salt then make my own decisions.

  2. I'm sure you are right - the dead-tree paper business will die soon so now it's all about internet clicks. The drama has to be ramped up and nasty is dramatic - look at the TV soaps.

  3. Is it cynical to wonder whether - consciously or unconsciously - they are all looking for that perfect 'Gotcha!' moment?

    In terms of awards, tenure or sales of memoirs (not to mention the highly lucrative after-dinner speaking circuit), a single high-profile reporting coup could be the equivalent of a (small) lottery win.

    In the case of those of a left-wing persuasion (I speak here as a poacher turned gamekeeper), there's also the certainty that they are on the side of righteousness and therefore their actions are above reproach.

  4. I haven't watched TV soaps for years because they used to be good but now have gone off the plot. I like the "Gotcha Moment" phrase because it typifies those who want some sort of revenge in order to satiate their inner lusts. Whether it be the green-eyed jealousy for someone who worked hard and got promoted a couple of times when another one just sat on their backside expecting it to fall into their lap, or could it be from one who "Ain't got no satisfaction" and had an affair with someone who's parents had a yacht in order to look down on the plebs? These sort of people think they're beyond reproach but when the ships come in there'll be a lot of feeble excuses as per. They've got themselves into a fine kettle of fish for sure.

  5. We only ever get a free paper when we spend more than a tenner in Waitrose, and that happens once a fortnight, GG.

    It's mainly drivel, and while we want to ignore all the sparkle and boy harry dross, we like to see a few happy stories.

    TV soaps are never on here any more, we never watched most of them, although the girls like 'Home and away'.

    Mrs O'Blene and I used to like Coronation Street, but gave up after they started to get PC. Never watched Eastenders though - awful.

  6. There does seem to be so much polarisation, Macheath - The Cummings non-story is just a front for all the other squabbles like Brexit etc, and will be dead pretty soon!
