Tuesday 26 November 2019

Uppity - the real meaning...

Eamonn Holmes used this word on TV recently, to describe a 'royal', and because of one snowflake 'taking attitude', he's been given a bollocking!

Pathetic, isn't it really!

So here, in all its glory, is one of my favourite shows, giving its best to an even funnier version!

Now beat that!


  1. A while back somebody was in trouble for the correct usage of niggardly, they want to destroy the English language, one of the worlds wonders. Mind you being scouse I may have had a hand in that.

  2. That's uppity snowflakes for you.

  3. A while back, Boris was under fire for using the word "humbug" which I must confess wasn't at all offensive. If you want to blame someone for that use of term look no further than Dickens' Ebenezer Scrooge. At least someone is trying to look after the Privy purse than someone else announcing they will spend mega amounts of our hard-earned wonga on what seems to be a total come-hither and a free-for-all. Does any sane person believe these vacuous promises? If so, I'm sure I can get some free wonga to set up my own company selling strait-jackets. Nuff said.

  4. Aaaah, but Scousers made up quite a few words and phrases as well, Thud!

    "Get knotted" is one of them...

  5. Too right, Mr H!

    What they like best is being victims of course!

  6. Couldn't agree more, Goosey!

    And Moggy's comment on common sense rang true, but victims (see above) always want to paint a compensation picture as soon as look at you.

  7. I quite like Moggy as he says it as it is because he seems to avoid the usual perambulations about what other parties are doing or not. There's no back-biting as such but for God's sake let's get this election over then we can at least see what lemmings will run off the cliff. That's a result in itself.

  8. He's a clever man, hopefully in a safe seat, and will bring some sanity to a (hopefully) Conservative government on December 13th.

    I really was fed up with Theresa May's debacle, and vowed never to look at a blue poster again, but seeing how the manic Corrobin and his henchman, McDonnell would cripple the country in days, I feel lucky to be 72, and rising...

  9. … and I hope we will all rise off our bums and vote. Actually I've just noticed the day is Friday 13th not that I'm a Triskaidekaphobia, but with my little sort of anagramatic cryptic eye I can see remnants of a Theresa who tried (God bless her) followed by a kaleidoscope comprising of various colours that changed depending on which way the wind was blowing at that current time. At least Boris shows some emotion, whereas watching Cordite is like listening to a robotic Dalek or someone looking at a disastrous bonfire night who suddenly realised you need to light the blue touch-paper before you make promises that it'll be all right on the night. Having seen many episodes of that particular programme I can't wait to see the final result.

  10. Rising up and voting is the right thing, isn't it!

    We have Greg Clark here, who is practically useless, but not a child-beater, so we'll go his way.

    I wish sometimes, that T.Wells wasn't so full of old idiots, but there again, we were part of Maidstone once, so it can't be that bad...
