Monday 4 November 2019

Three down...

Image result for Daily Telegraph crossword book

A year or so ago, while being temporarily unable to locate a favourite Sudoku book, I picked up an old Daily Telegraph book of cryptic puzzles and started - yet again - to try and get back into the swing of the dastardly clues.

I'm re-hooked now, but am still unable to complete the whole puzzle, sometimes failing miserably with a dozen blanks, but my record is one complete and a few with three missing.

It's good mind stuff really, I know Goosegirl handles The Grauniad beast daily, but that's way beyond my capabilities!

These dark evenings beckon a warm fire, a tincture and while the good book (Frederick Forsyth - The Fox) is close by, a quick dip into the DT collection sharpens the mind, halts the winter despond, and just seems right!


  1. A warm fire and a tincture don't do much to sharpen my mind but somehow it doesn't seem to matter. Sipping a drop of Trappist beer at the moment - no cross words from those chaps and I can see why.

  2. Wow, now that is a slurp beyond compare, Mr H!

    I might watch a bit of Father Ted to celebrate!

    How was Norfolk, by the way? I have a blotter here, a keepsake from Sheringham, which I found in a favourite Aunt and Uncle's house after they moved on. They always said that it was the windiest place they'd ever been to!


  4. Yup, that's my early morning brain work-out along with a few cups of tea and the latest news. It sets me up for the day ahead whether it be being a general housemaid (no pinny provided), gardener, OH's secretary (he once fired me but soon regretted it when he couldn't find where I'd put his odd socks), cat-dish feeder, coal-bucket filler, ashpan emptier, a laundry maid who suddenly receives from OH (usually accompanied by a silly grin) about a month's worth of washing, waste bin filler and emptier but he doesn't half make a good evening meal! So can I, but I prefer putting my legs up by the fire as one does after a hard day's work.

  5. Thank you for that, Corin!

    I expect Goosey is at least half-way through it, and I have to admit that I can't answer any of them at the moment...

  6. You live a charmed life, Goosegirl!

    It was really your comments a few years ago, which got me back into crosswords, so thank you!

    You've made clear that Mr Gander is a dab-hand with the skillet, so if you send me the recipe, I'll sell it on Ebay and halve the profits! I didn't know that he made you do all those things though, so I'll keep an eye open...

  7. Ah, I forgot to mention that I also went out in the chilly rain to put my paw down our outside drain to scoop out all the accumulated silt, old leaves and snail shells. I came in wet-through and found him lying in bed in the arms of Angela Snow, so I put a Columbo DVD on at high volume, made one of my favourite comfort meals (buttered fish fingers with chips and beans) accompanied by several slurps of his Plymouth gin, threw his odd socks out of the window, had a Badedas bath, then I went to sleep with perchance to dream of dancing the Argentine tango with Anton du Beke. I woke up in the morning to find un-washed plates and yet another full bag of laundry. It's a bloody good job I love him or I could be persuaded to do the perfect crime. Just one more thing....
