Monday 7 October 2019

Outcasts, the story repeats itself...

While chasing down another lead recently, I found this...

By coincidence, Iv'e just finished re-reading this fabulous story: -

Image result for The outcasts of Foolgarah

It took him years to get it published, and looking at some of the comments in some of the chapters, you can understand why everyone dropped it like a hot brick!

As an aside, I hope the good binmen of Caerphilly don't have to experience the dire consequences of the prison scene!


  1. It'll cost me £20+ for a copy, unless you know somewhere cheaper - do you?

  2. Sackers, it was on Ebay, by these people: -

    I paid £4.69 a month ago, but I'd been looking for a copy for ages, several years to be 'precise'. I lent my first copy to the Chief Buyer of an international building firm, but that was in 1977... Ebay's your best bet.

    I suppose these hoary old books get back on the market when the hoary old readers eventually shuffle off; I get a lot of books from online charities too, very cheap, but they make a few bob so everyone's happy!

  3. scrobs, just got in from school run which goes past my neighbour thornton ebodys surprise Bojo was there and my kids who I keep from politics did enjoy pulling tongues at the remainers….we just had too!
