Wednesday 7 March 2018

Eyes, eyes...

Scrobs went for an eye test today.

Tunbridge Wells is OK, but not the best place these days, and some of the shops are a bit tawdry... It was raining so perhaps that made the difference.

So, into Boots, and away we went!

Lovely ladies with machines to show the bits you need, and eventually the result was that your favourite bloke this side of The Appalacians really didn't need new specs, he was still about the same as three years ago, except for a tiny nudge towards a cataract, which is to be expected at my time of life...

So, we decided to forego the cost of a new pair of specs, and wait a year. But we also decided that the specs normally presiding on the Scrobs' conk needed a bit of adjusting, and so it was thus!

How can anyone ever write a poem about the eyes of the lovely lady in the opticians? Gorgeous, as we had to stare at each other for several minutes, and I became somewhat lost in a blue haze and nearly wished I was many years younger..

We sorted the specs I still have, I paid not a cent, and promised to come back next year.

But the most beautiful eyes I ever see are those of the Senora Charismatic Roberta 'O'Blene, the love of my life!


  1. Is this a competition? If so may I suggest this

  2. For years I've been attended to by lady opticians but now a bloke looks after me. Not the same at all.

  3. AK, My long standing optician is also female who has a penchant for lowish cut tops - and a very attractive one too.... especially when she leans forward over her counter to affix my new specs to my head. Mumble, mumble, mumble ...something about steamed up lenses...

  4. I also have a pair of 'readers', which cost £7.99 from another lovely lady in our chemist, and they are just perfect - especially as they are stainless-steel-coloured to tone in with the hair...

  5. I went for an eye test and the young lady who tested me (in the dark) had a beautifully lilting Welsh voice and whispered breathy instructions very closely in my ear.

  6. Well, my recent experience with a private eye specialist who is doing my cataracts op is, how shall I say, rather handsome and charming, with what could be called a lovely bed-side manner, so there! EK - you didn't go to the deaf clinic by mistake did you??!

  7. Goosey, we need pictures please...

  8. It's a he not a her! If you really want to see him in all his luscious glory then Google Mr Nabili and there he is.
