Saturday 23 December 2017

The jewel in the crown...

Off to Waitrose soon to collect one of these...

YD and SIL had one last year, and judging by the size of it, this chap will last us until about April...

The good grocers started by Mr Wait and Mr Rose all those years ago have been doing some pretty good deals this Christmas. There has been a constant stream of 20% off vouchers popping up, and these make the Christmas cheer shelf of various tinctures all the merrier, with some decent single malt appearing, where in the past it's been the every-day tipple!

Which reminds me, Happy Christmas to everyone who calls by here, - we're with all the family on the big day, and it'll be a riot...



  1. Merry Chrimbo to you too and of course the other three of us who drop in from time to time.

    See you next year..

  2. Merry Christmas and don't count the tinctures.

  3. Visited a their branch in Chester this week and was most impressed. Its been a bit of a grind this year but looking forward to a good xmas week now and a better 2018, I hope you and all your family all the best...cheers!

  4. Some bargains on spirits in our Waitrose.

    Happy Christmas !

  5. We don't have any Waitrose stores in our area but have sampled some of their stuff when we've been down to Oxfordshire and very nice they were too! Our local store is Booths and we are regular shoppers because they do sell a lot of local produce as well as other stuff and this December we've got several vouchers from them to use next month. Apart from that reply to the post, on behalf of Mr Gander and myself may I wish you everything your heart desires for this coming year but with an added caveat "Be careful for what you wish for just in case you get more than you can cope with" in which case don't come running to me because Mr Gander and I are feeling a bit flu-like, so we're going to sit down by a log fire, play some of our favourite DVDs (starting with "Under Milk Wood") then have some roast turkey legs with potatoes, parsnips, mashed swede and carrots, home-made stuffing and gravy. If you ring me and get a somewhat garbled message, I've been taking some medicinal tinctures since 11 am. Tell you what! Thank god for spellcheck"

  6. By the time you read this, I will be considering a return to normal digestion, but not quite...

    The flu symptoms have been lingering around here as well, and while I think we've escaped so far, there's a long way to go yet!

    And we're almost certain to get another allotment, so I'm wondering what's going on - between tinctures that is...

  7. Flipping heck! So many of my friends have been poorly this last month and we keep ringing each other up to see what progress (if any) we're making. I really hope by now that you're getting back to normal; if not, try a cherry brandy! I've never had one but I saw one sitting quietly on OH's window-seat bar and had a couple of nips. Boy, did I sleep well and went two steps forward the next morning. As they say, whisky makes you frisky, rum makes you glum, wine makes you pine, gin makes you sin, but brandy makes you .......... try to think of what rhymes with vodka!
