Monday 11 December 2017

'Bye Cheggers...

I was saddened to read that Keith Chegwin has popped off just now.

Years ago, he was a shining light on pretty dire television for budding children, and our two daughts loved his programmes. He was so much better than the bland, squeaky, gender-neutral stuff they squirt out these days, and he made everyone laugh - including me, because I could easily sit with them before they went to bed, and laugh and enjoy the antics with them.

I didn't know he had a problem with the bottle; it makes no difference to me, most people do, especially when they spill it, and anyway, I always go to sleep well before I have a problem, which is a fail-safe as far as I'm concerned.

Just yesterday, I was playing a tape (remember them) in the shed while doing some carpentry. It was this here below, so here's to you, Cheggers old chap, you were part of my kids' childhood, and you were damned good at what you did! Sleep well.


  1. Sorry, I have noting to contribute here. I know nothing of him except his name. Living in the back of beyond for many years probably contributes to my ignorance.

    RIP anyway, whoever you were.

  2. I was a pre- Cheggers child but sometimes saw him on TV. He had that sort of personality that made children want to join in the pure simple fun of life which is a great legacy and something others need to follow. I won't hold my breath though! So many comedians have inner problems we know nothing about until either the press get hold of it or after they've gone. What a really nice, selfless man he was and God love him for all he did. xxx

  3. I'm a friend of his sister Janice, the whole family a decent bunch. RIP.

  4. Reevers, never fear, I'd really forgotten the man, but his mate Noel Edmunds is in the news at the moment, and the girls always liked his stuff, and we did as well when we watched with them.

  5. Goosey, he had a certain joy about his delivery, and always brought a smile to anyone's face! It's different now, and the sort of rubbish our grandchildren have to endure is not a patch on the anarchic progs he appeared on!

  6. Thud, as you're famous for the re-release of a great track, now you come up with this!

    Personal question, did you ever know a band called 'Berlin Ritz', or 'Childs Play'?

    If you did, then we have a mutual chum...

  7. Michael, not heard of them I'm afraid.

  8. I was brought up on Watch With Mother, Picture Book, Andy Pandy, Bill and Ben, The Wooden-tops, Rag, Tag and Bobtail, Muffin the Mule, The Bumblies, Mr Bean and his Funny Machine, Mr Pastry, Mr Turnip, and many more. These programmes encapsulated the innocence of the child's mind along with culturing their imagination. Today's children's programmes only come about because some "who know best and have a degree in it" and I would love to stand them up against a wall to give them a realistic talking-to! Today my great-niece Louisa came round with her little brother Johnathan. Every single time she comes all she wants to play with is an old yellow golf ball in either a wooden bowl or my OH's silver christening mug, then out come the cardboard tubes which she blows down to make a noise or OH will shove some small toys down one end and puts a smaller tube down it so they all come tumbling out the other end along with shrieks of joy! Johnathan already has his 10 month-old eyes on what mischief he can do. Come on! Isn't this a great example of how simple pleasures can far outweigh the f*****g Teletubbies!

  9. Hi Goosey. As the current idiotic fad has it - "me too". Great kids' tv and none of the "this gender, that gender" garbage. I used to enjoy coming home to watch the Magic Roundabout, or Popeye, or Laurel and Hardy before being banished to the front room to do my homework.

    I mentioned in an earlier post that during our first day at grammar school, by 4pm we had all been allocated our nicknames. One of the lads, who turned out to be a brilliant mathematician, who left the rest of us trailing in his wake - but could not retain a French or Latin word to save his life (exactly the opposite from/to/of me) - became simply "Bean" or, just occasionally, "Bean to Lester". Those names were very useful on the football field as our opponents had no idea whom we were addressing! Regrettably, it also dates me to with a month or two!!! Now where did I leave my cocoa?

  10. Didn't someone once complain about Andy Pandy and Looby-Loo being in the same bed or was I just non-irrationally imagining it? As for the Magic Roundabout, you couldn't possibly allow names like Zebedee (the supposed father of the Apostles James and John) as it would exclude other religions, being on a magic roundabout could be interpreted like Lucy on the Sky with Diamonds i.e. on the magic mushrooms lit up with LED lights, Dougal was originally called Pollux but that would infer something related to Castor sugar and lastly, "Boing - time for bed" would be an absolute no-no for those who follow Mary Whitehouse as it would imply some sort of bunking-down under the duvet or such other things relating to "Spring has sprung and the grass is riz!"

  11. He was part of MY childhood.

    I was on a scout camp when Swapshop first started and we were all pissed off about missing it.

    Lovely guy.

  12. Thud, I didn't know his sister was Janice long!

    One of the nicer/better DJs too.

  13. Can't think of any more progs that we watched on a neighbour's TV when we were small!

    Mrs O'Blene and I often sing the Billy Bean theme, as it's jolly, and back then it was very funny too!

    Can anyone remember Daphne Oxenford? Beatiful voice!

    Here's a fabulous clip of a fabulous story for children too...
