Monday 16 October 2017


One of the loveliest ladies I have never met is Goosegirl!

She writes gorgeously funny posts on another site here, and we converse in a non-tactile way, but by Jimminy, she's a real chum and that's a fact!

Goosey and I would have an enormous meet-up if we ever did,  but there's a lot of miles between Lancaster and Kent, so we just chat as normal people do, and have a lot of fun doodling on whatever subject comes up.

I was so pleased when we started messageing, and while Mrs O'Blene is in on the act, it's a different world out there, and so much the better for having this little electric computer thing to make life a more interesting place.


  1. Remember those Sunday lunchtimes way back when?


  2. Oh Scrobbers! You've made my heart sing like a lark, and you know I like a lark especially when you're around! In return, I have to say this lovely man has become one of my best friends, despite the fact he's turned down all my special offers from Goosers Ink, reduced me to hysterics on occasions, created havoc with my relationship with Angela Snow, made fun of my feathers, and generally been a pain in the .. as I was saying, he's one of those rays of sunshine that makes the world go round; unfortunately it's now rotating backwards which theoretically means we should all get younger in time. No doubt this will confuse Atlas somewhat but hey-ho! At least it will stop people from saying they're not getting any younger!!

  3. Funnily enough Reevers, we still hum that ditty on occasions.

    My dad used to rush to the wireless just in time to stop 'Wakey Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaykeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' permeating the house! He couldn't stand it!

    I think it was while we were still laughing at 'The Navy lark'!

  4. Goosey, you're an angel in disguise!

    Larks-R-Us are still open if you want a quick trip to choose the next joke!

    As you're a dead ringer for Angela Snow, I'd have no difficulty recognising you of course...;0)

    (It's more fun on this website, as we can have real banter without moderation)!

  5. There are no mods? Not one?? Not even ... Aunt Snootysnitch??? Well, knock me down with a feather and call me shortly! Never having been to Larks-R-Us, do I ring to let them know I'm on my way or should I keep quiet and surprise them? Do I have to get a loyalty card before taking advantage of the special offers within and, more importantly, if I bring a lark with me (be it crested, wood or sky) can I swop it for a case of Champagne or do you have to have been a member for seventy years before you are eligible?
