Friday 18 August 2017


My dear neighbours went up to town to see 42nd St recently.

He's getting on a bit, and has trouble hearing lines in plays, but this one didn't present any problems!

Marvellous stuff...


  1. Simply brilliant.

    Us old timers like to see a bit of class every now and then! (Reminds us of the days when we used to be able to tread a solid measure!). Pity they don't make them like that any more. Lots more listed to choose from at the end of that film.

  2. Excellent.

    I saw La La Land recently.

    Very good but not my thang. Not one memorable tune.

  3. Years ago, Mrs O'Blene gave me a compilation LP of lots of these songs, Reevers, and we played this on e nearly all the time!

    Will check out the others!

  4. Have to admit that I don't know any either Elecs.

    It has to be a theme which sticks, otherwise, the story fades...
