Thursday 3 August 2017


Image result for fitbit charge 2

No, not a new bird, just a postage stamp sized gadget given to me by Daught and Sil for my birthday!

Even my doctor was impressed, especially as my blood pressure is normal for the first time in ages!

And I reached the target once last week, so all those onions and spuds will just fly out of the ground!


  1. So, from a fatbot to a fitbit in one easy lesson!?

    Try not to give yourself a heart attack. I have a good friend who exercised religiously for most of his life. He continued right up to just before his 70th birthday when, whilst out jogging, he broke a heart valve and needed emergency surgery and the installation of a pace-maker which he has to have checked at least once a year. Serves him right for not heeding my advice that "exercise is bad for you". Just look at all those crocked footballers, tennis players, golfers etc etc. I don't do that, so I suffer from none of that type of unwanted indisposition. I am thinking of changing my name to Garfield!!

  2. It was a bit of a surprise, Reevers!

    Knowing them as I do, they want to keep the old fart in some sort of shape, and as they are techies, it was a nice friendly and generous gesture!

    Funnily enough, I have no goals, no aspirations etc, but the feel of a tech gadget isn't that bad, and of course, it does double up as a watch, which I rather like!

    I'm sorry about your chum. At my age, I feel bad about hearing stories of my old chums who have the really nasty ailments, and as of today, I haven't. I just wish that I could do more to make them happier, but that isn't really going to work as we're all pretty wise at consequences of life.

    This little gadget is helping me - after just a couple of weeks - to adjust slightly, re-evaluate, disregard negatives, and have a few more tinctures, so perhaps that's where the answer lies!

    I saw the nurse at the surgery the other day, for a shingles jab. She's a darling and we all love her to bits. She took my BP, and said everything was just fine, with a big grin! Now what more can a man of my tender age ask for? She admired the Fitbit, knew something about it, but the best part of the chat was that she wanted me to 'enjoy my allotment'!

    What a gorgeous lady!

    Glad I live in the country, in a village I adore.


  3. Brilliant - just keep on keeping on (as somebody famous once said!).

  4. Ah - a few more tinctures. Does it know about these extra tinctures?

  5. Not yet, Mr H, but I'm working on it...
