Tuesday 7 March 2017

So,'ere we go...

President Trump is all over the slimy gits trying to nail him for various 'ingenuities', and the MSM (sods who chafe), are getting absolutely nowhere.

Lovely times, for people like Scrobs. I'm fed up with the biased BBC, the Groanead, the Telegraph and the lefty US press like the Washington howsyourfather,...

I'm so old, that I can remember when the BBC were an organisation to be admired!

Not any more.


  1. I'm enjoying it too. I hope Trump has the stamina for it though.

  2. He's a proper business man, Mr H, someone who couldn't give a flying feck about moaners and the rest of the msm.

    He's got so much more to do, and will certainly give it his best shot!

  3. Yeah! Sorry, late to this party.

    Now I wonder if that Hawaiian (?) court who plan to play silly buggers again can also come up with you know whose birthday card!!
