Tuesday 27 December 2016

Ooooh BUQQER...

Just to keep everyone up to speed, Basil Kalashnikov has called a snap election to be held pretty damn soon...

Nobody has a clue what he's on about, or just what he is 'on' (probably Shep's 'Old Nasty - 6.7% - Ed), but an email arrived on the PC of  Ms Emily D'Artagnan-Minge only yesterday, while she was dusting the Waitrose Digestive Halal Christmas Pudding, to remove the detritus of the previous evening's shenanigans, where PC Lumbersnatch had to leave the bosom(s) of his lamentable family and intervene, and the glass recycling box near Miss Newt's abode had to experience an emergency disgorging.

Your correspondent doesn't know which way to turn on this issue, as both the editor and also his squeeze, Charlene Faqdefarno  are indisposed at this present time, indulging in a new Ipad game, called something like 'Spot the Corbyn'!

Just as an aside. has anyone here noticed that all the Christmas cards sent to Ms Billary's address have been returned unopened, and marked 'RETURN TO SENDER'?

No neither have I...


  1. Wee Basil obviously wants to get this done before the boundaries are changed and his environment is merged with the ones on either side of the village. Can't say I blame him actually. Things also might be somewhat different once Mr Trumpet gets his size elevens under the round house table.

    But more to the point, if you sit back a little from your computer screen, half close your eyes and look at the bush at the foot of the tree, you will see the image of what looks like the wild witch of the west (or even her husband) - no names no pack drill and all that - but really!!

    An early opportunity to wish a HNY to the local residents before I trot off for a few days in the snow.

  2. The Christmas card I sent to Ms Billary was returned too. It had teeth marks on it so I'm not sure what to think. She may be upset about something.

  3. That's a favourite 'Weigela', Reevers and I nearly killed it two years ago, so whatever you can see there is strictly in your imagination!

    Happy New Year to you and your family too, you'll get there a few hours before us no doubt..;0)

  4. Our Jack Russell does that to all our post, Mr H!

    She seems to like the taste of final demands...
