Wednesday 30 November 2016

Has-beens attack Brexit, not many take notice...

While Basil Kalashnikov was on holiday in North Korea, two forgotten old farts from his parish council days decided to try and develop a 'coup', by endangering Miss Newt's landlord, Sid Trumpet, and getting the postcards and letters counted again.

There was uproar in the council chamber, as Edwin A. Loser (shown left) raised a high nasal sneer at everyone who voted for Mr Trumpet and said he wished he could try and be chairman again. His chum, Tone 'Dodger' Tossier, agreed, and they both sang and danced a quadrille while chanting some sort of anthem while nobody took much notice.

Most of the village stayed at home, preferring to watch re-runs of 'Breakback Mountain biking' with sub-titles.


  1. Goodnes gracious! What ever can we say!

    Try this

  2. Marvellous Reevers!

    That was me in the final chorus too...

  3. Tone Tossier has managed to confuse poor old Edwin Loser by constantly talking to him about WMD. Naturally Mr Loser thinks he means Woman of My Dreams who is of course the fragrant Eggwina Curry.

  4. Ask any green-pea futures expert about Mr Loser, and they'll tell you that their expectations are many times multiplied now Brexit has been agreed, and that Mr Loser will have to find another comestible to exploit!

    The fragrant Mrs Curry of course, stopped thousands of people dying from Saxiphobia (a fear of Stan Getz), and we all felt better for it (except Norma, who felt nothing)!

    Mr Loser got his job by default, and although he likes cricket, that's about all I can remember about him, except that he made the word 'bastards' acceptable to Grauniad readers, who now use it all the time to describe enemies of the BBC!
