Tuesday 16 August 2016

How to take tablets painlessly...

Like many ladies and late middle-aged chaps, Mrs O'Blene (may her tribe increase - but only after careful consultation), takes a few tablets for things that Scrobbers and their ilk have to deal with in 'later' life, and one capsule  in particular seems to stick unmercifully in her throat, and causes some disruption to the daily record, and also some extremely bad language, and also the occasional shriek, which frightens both JRT and also my good self, as about then I am just waking up, and in need of a non-alcoholic tincture, such as a mug of Assam, and a look out of the window in a daze..

On mentioning this to our favourite, lovely (gorgeous) chemist in the village, she said ,why not try to take the capsule by sucking on a straw with some water? Pop the capsule into your mouth, take a suck on the straw and swallow, and the little beast is gone! They apparently advise all parents to do this for children with the same situation, and by George, it really works!

Even I shot down a capsule in seconds, without feeling a thing, and I can gag at the slightest need for air (except perhaps for a fine whisky, or maybe a 'Screwdriver' with real orange juice)!

Marvellous result, and thank you lovely M.... (the lovely chemist) for suggesting it!

(She can suggest anything she likes, and if Mrs O'Blene isn't listening, I'd even take notes for a later occasion..;0)


  1. With our cat the vet told us to crush the pill into some warm meat and smear it over his paws. I wonder if this would work in the absence of straws.

  2. They even do a tablet I hear that helps with dealing with good looking old chemists...just saying!

  3. A problem neatly encapsulated....

  4. Hi there, Scrobs, have I convinced you to believe in ghosts yet?

    You will recall my story about my wife's granny's lamp, the ghost in the bedroom that makes my bedside cabinet click at around 12.30am daily, and our guardian angel who keeps us away from serious damage?

    Well here is another one for your collection (about which I am taking the liberty of stealing your bandwidth - sorry!)...

    One night a few weeks ago, my wife and I were both sleeping peacefully. Suddenly something - I don't know what it was - disturbed me and I was instantly wide awake with my eyes wide open. I suspect that has happened to you as well at some point.

    I saw we were lying on our sides, facing each other but not touching, about 2 feet apart. My wife had the top of the sheet pulled up covering the lower half of her face and her eyes were shut.

    How did I know all this? Because although the room was still in darkness, the top half of her face above the sheet was lit very brightly as though somebody was shining a torch on it. I did not move, but just lay there looking at her. Slowly, she opened her eyes and we looked at each other for a few seconds. She did not move, but from the light I could see deep inside one eye. Behind the lens was a deep red colour. Then her eyes slowly closed again and she went back to sleep. I continued to look at her brightly lit face for a few seconds more - then the light abruptly went out and the room was once again in darkness, the only glimmer of light through the curtains being that from an outside street lamp and the little green light indicating that the air conditioner on the far wall was on.

    I turned round to see what might have been causing the light, and of course there was nothing to see. I looked at my bedside clock and it was just coming up to 5am. Being wide awake I lay there quietly for ages thinking about what I had just witnessed, but no explanation was forthcoming.

    I concluded it was either our friendly bedroom ghost or our guardian angel popping in to check we were ok. What other explanation could there be?

    Sleep tight!!

  5. I'll get Mrs H to try that. I swallow tablets and capsules easily, but she gags on most of them.
