Wednesday 6 July 2016

Apt oink pic...

Is it a bank?

Is it a gummint cabinet?

Is it summat from Brussels?

Is it a multi-national?

Is it a lawyer?

All for the 'chop' hopefully one day!

(h/t TQWT on Guido)


  1. Hmm.. Good questions.
    Can't be the EU Commissioners because that is not rashernal...

  2. Glad to see you're bacon track, Reevers...

    (Back on)


  3. Too true, Mr H!

    Porkers all there...

  4. Mr Scrobs,

    1.There really was no requirement for you to explain your (rather good) pun...


    2. Good job you explained your comment as I am sure nobody on here would have twigged what you were on about.

    (Cribbed from the famous Glenda Slagg column)

    The other day whilst watching the parliamentary election results come through my other half remarked that the first British female PM had the initials TM and it now transpires that the second may have the initials MT. She wondered whether Nostradamus had predicted this. I rewarded her perspicacity by gallantly leaving my armchair and heading to the kitchen to make the afternoon tea and biscuits.
