Monday 18 April 2016

Dog crap...

Who the hell really gives a f***...


  1. Are Yorkshire terriers real dogs?

  2. Nobody, as you imply. Totally unconvincing, and if you tried to take Fido in, you would certainly end up with a least a hefty fine.

    But Australian "border guards" or whatever they call themselves are way worse (thorough?) even than the completely lunatic American versions who defend the country at Los Angeles airport.

    A few years ago my other half was halted as we exited the arrival hall in Perth and accused of "smuggling food" into Australia by a fat bolshie screaming Australian female Rambo type officer. "Didn't you read all the warning posters on the way in?" etc etc. We said we had nothing to declare but this frenzied woman was adamant. "My sensor says otherwise, now open your suitcases". After about 20 minutes of this bickering the harridan was overjoyed to discover a sliver (not even a whole one) of a long forgotten Polo mint in the bottom corner of my wife's handbag. With great ceremony the woman carefully removed it and threw it in the confiscation bin behind her. Then she told us we were free to go, but not to try anything like that in future or we would be in serious trouble, and wished us a happy holiday! I quiver every time I think of the catastrophe we would have caused to that great Continent if that lady had missed that half a sweetie!

    On the subject of animal "crap", we had a local problem with one of the neighbours who had about six cats, each of whom persisted in "crapping" in our gardens. It got so bad that the immediate neighbour changed his wifi name to "F....g cats crap everywhere", which shows up each time anyone switches the wifi hunter on. Happily, following several icy discussions with the owners, the 4 of the cats have been removed, but the other 2 are still producing the goods every now and then. Bloody animals...

  3. I think they may be, Mr H, but I'll need a second opinion, as JRT may well object on Terriorist Grounds, and complain to the Yerrupeen Kort of Canine Whatever...

  4. Yep, cats had that tendency when we had them, and we were lucky that nobody really complained, Reevers.

    You've put me of ever visiting Oz now, despite a load of chums from there. I wonder what she said to people arriving with just their eyes showing then?
