Tuesday 26 January 2016

Instructions for alcohol...

As Scrobs sips his way through a dismal January, he wonders why suddenly he is even more of a pariah than last year!

Why am I being told by a little white-coat from some backside like Oldham, that I need to stop the slurps for two days a week, and even then, cut the numbers of slurps! Why aren't I being told to do all this by some hugely-paid bureaucrat in Brussels? Something to do with the monks of Leffe maybe?

Surely, there is a large section of some glittering building somewhere in the EU, where huge payments are made to people to decide what to do with the results of an Excel spreadsheet, divided by the number of breweries and wine-lake administrators, and come up with a figure to scream at normal people like Scrobs and Mrs Scroblene.

Little politicians with huge salaries never realise that whatever they say creates a market, although they should understand, but hey, what the hell, they're paid by the state, so it doesn't matter does it! You only have to look at the globule worming scandal to see where they have got it so wrong, and lets all check the websites of fat companies who saw that one coming as soon as some creep with a few votes decided to try and make a difference, and failed...

So if you really want to be told how much wine you're allowed, start in December! Any takers? No, I thought not!


  1. Have you also noticed that 90% of these interfering busybodies are of the female gender?

    10 meddling interfering busybodies sitting on the wall....
    and if one .... etc

    Keep smiling - and like me, ignore them and continue on your way to hell in your own comfortable hand cart.

  2. “Wine is the most healthful and most hygienic of beverages.”
    Louis Pasteur

  3. I sometimes see them as female, Reevers, but didn't realise that it was a gender issue!

    Of course we ignore them! Do you have the same interference in your green and pleasant land?

  4. And he should know, MrH. When I was a kid, one of the children's hour serials was all about him, and I have an abiding recollection of his wife coming into the laboratory, where the great man was working on some bad meat...

    Of course, today, it'll just be screeching teenagers on Ceebeebies, yelling about pork or something!

  5. Hi Scrobs,
    Yes of course - they get everywhere! But most of the locals just ignore them anyway and carry on with whatever they are doing.

    I can't seem to copy it here, but I have just received an email from a German friend showing a pic of 2 skeletons sitting at a table in a beer garden with a couple of opened bottles. The caption is: "We are going to sit here until we understand women".

    Says it all really!

  6. And the home of good beer too, Reevers!

    Thick politicians are a scourge on normal people, and as we're much cleverer than them, they get the finger on most occasions.

    Cameron is turning into the worst of the lot, and looked just like Grocer Heath this evening, when Mrs Scroblene turned on the TV by mistake, to see the weather forecast!
