Thursday 5 November 2015

Aaaargh naaaaahhh waaaaaaagh...

Here we go again...

So why don't you just fuck off over there and worry about the next fortnight with your coloured drinks and stupid clothes, thinking you might get slaughtered in your beds!

Mongs grabbed away from school, idiots whingeing about their flights, stupid faces staring at the cameras, hoping they'll get 'paid'.

Great place this time of year innit...


  1. Clearly people no longer watch the telly news, or if they do, probably do not understand or think about what they are watching, and apply it to their own lives. Did they not read, see or hear about the recent atrocities at the Sphinx/pyramids when quite a number of innocent tourists made an early trip to their heaven? Did they not remember the Tunisian beach hotel occurrence just a few months ago? Or perhaps they don't know geography these days and have no idea how near they are to the mayhem just to the north? Perhaps they are aware of all this and simply that that it is "OK won't happen to me".

    We are both inveterate travellers and have seen much of the world (except South America for some reason). We have been trying to decide where to go for our next holiday, but everywhere we look there is unrest or other trouble. We thought about Europe - but where to go without meeting half the middle east at the breakfast table? All our favourite cities seem to have been swarmed so it looks like we shall once again have to return to Oz or NZ - and even there we are in danger of bumping into the next earthquake!

    A few years ago, we booked to go Penang for Christmas, but because of unforeseen circs we had to change that booking to New Year. Just as well we did or we would have been caught up right in the middle of the Indonesian tsunami which washed away much of where we would have been staying!

    Similarly, we had an itinerary booked which would have taken us to New York on 11 September.. You know the rest!

    I think we must have a guardian angel who watches over us to keep us out of trouble. Lucky us.

    PS: Are you now Senator or Senor? Just checking....come to think of it, can't say I know any Irish senors....

  2. Reevers, you're right of course, the sight of a beach and excessive buckets of cheap booze takes away the smallest consideration these crowds are capable of understanding.

    Interesting point you make about your guardian angel though! I'd love to go to Oz or NZ, but probably won't now (haven't got a passport any more), so it's really a trip down to the allotment, or shopping in the village, which is the farthest we go these days...

    To answer your question regarding my monica, some days, I may be a Senator, or others, just a Senor - it's all part of my alter ego, and depends on whether I wake up with a headache or not... In fact here, you're seeing yet another name, which just happens to be what I'm called, especially if I've been naughty!

    I'm actually in a good mood at the moment, as most of my Japanese onions have germinated, and hopefully, we'll get a 40' row next year!

  3. "Adam Hancock said: 'We are gutted'."

    They might be if they go - that's the point.

  4. Ha! As my old gran used to say: "Ah, there's a man who knows his onions".

    I was too young to ask her how that expression came into being and why it was onions and not turnips that he knew...Have a good weekend.

  5. If they are there then they are not where I am..happy happy!

  6. I can't imagine why any sane person would go there for a holiday except Tony Blair and his 'gob almighty' grab a freebie Cherie! Interestingly he's certainly made his fortune riding on the backs of his friends in the Middle East...disgusting family...even his kids have got their hands in the till!
    There! that's my Monday rant done !
    Hope all is good at the Turrets Scrobs.

    Di xx

  7. Yes, Reevers, it's the turn of the onions this - and next year! This year, we cracked carrots, and have the best ever, growing in buckets in the cold greenhouse!

    We also lost some other stuff for various reasons, but not enough to make one un-cheerful...

  8. Absolutely, Thudders!

    I wonder if they're back here yet, nobody seems to bother to find out!

  9. That was a great rant, Trubes, and I agree with all you say!

    Interesting to note that he hardly got a mention last Sunday at The Cenotaph...

  10. How odd! Just last week my good lady informed me that there would be no dinner that evening as the oven was not heating up. Checked the plug - all OK. So as there are no moving parts in an oven, the problem had to be something amiss with the internal wiring. I unscrewed the top panel and sure enough the problem was obvious, one of the connections had come apart and was very dried out and grubby. It was the work of less than two minutes to strip the wire and reconnect it to the appropriate lug - and hey presto, roast chicken for dinner after all.

    It pays to know a bit about this and that around the house as I am sure calling an electrician would have cost me a week's wages to make this simple repair - and a lot more to buy a new cooker!

    While you are waiting for your dinner tonight, you might like to singalong to this.
