Monday 5 October 2015

Knock-on effect...

With England's quick exit from the Whorl Karp, the effect on the economy is reckoned to be huge...

Someone will hondootedly work out exactly how much income will be lost from all the trinkets, bars, foreign visitors, merchandise etc, but the biggest upset to me is the feeling that I'll have to support someone like Wales now, or check out Japan occasionally!

Oh well, The Six Nations will be around in a few months...


  1. Don't fret Scrobs. Just smile at all that Chinese tat going to waste...

    Console yourself with a nice cup of Chinese tea to make amends.

    You could also perhaps switch your allegiance to a more worthwhile (but useless) team like Chelski :-))

  2. Can't be as bad as supporting Labour.

  3. My Welsh contacts are afraid of the Aussies, Reevers, and it will be a humdinger of a game methinks...

    The only tea we have is Tesco Finest Assam, so that's a turn-off too! I think I will support Wales, as at least I can say something rude/nice to them if they win/lose!

    Other than that, we're also backing Japan, as they just goferit...

  4. There is that problem, Mr H...

    For the best obit, the Express did a great one on Denis Healey, who lived not far from here. At least he had some conviction, not just a silly, baseless utopian view on life that dreamy-eyed willo-the-wisps seem to have!
