Thursday 6 August 2015

Paint your wagon...

Just round the corner from The Turrets, there are two painting projects going on.

Kent seems to have more than its fair share of white weatherboarded houses, which may be down to the fact that The Weald was all forest many years ago, and timber was plentiful, but anyway, we're surrounded by white weatherboard in all directions, and it all has to be painted! Regularly! The local planners even demanded that we had to use white painted woodwork, when we did up the house twenty years ago, and although we grumbled a bit, it was in fact a correct decision.

Scrobs has had varying discussions with the chaps doing the work (two separate firms), and it's interesting to hear their views on what they're up to. Personally, I would think that preparing and painting weatherboard would be one of the most boring decorating jobs in the world, but these guys seem to thrive on the pastime...

Just think what a Monday morning would be like, when you have a ladder, a couple of sheets of sandpaper, and a whole week of manually rubbing down  about fifty square yards of dodgy timber, before you even start to slap on the undercoat!

Anyway, they're making a great fist of the work, and the local environment will look all the better for their efforts...


  1. White board? With white paint?

    Isn't that borderline racist?

  2. Funnily enough I tend to take on the big painting jobs myself as the setting up and repetition always gives me time for much needed dreaming and planning.

  3. We weren't allowed to use brown, Reevers, so is that racist as well...

  4. Thud, that is an interesting take on the subject!

    I actually enjoy painting windows and can use both hands which is a bit of a surprise, as I'm normally right-handed!
