Thursday 7 May 2015

Carborundum Day...

Scrobs has been looking forward to today for some time now.

We've deliberately missed every BBC News bulletin, because of their dire bias towards Labour, and we're feeling pretty good about that with blood pressure near normal as a consequence! The silly Suzannah Reid show never gets a look-in either, because she is so awful at interviewing, anyway, 'slebs for sleb's sake' is a definite turn-off for us here at 'The Turrets'.I'm going to be sixty-eight in July, and whoever forms the next government isn't going to make a scrap of difference to me or Mrs Scroblene, so my heart will vote today, just to see something new on the TV tomorrow!

We haven't had a holiday since 2002, we don't thrash around in expensive cars, we make most of our own wine, we garden enthusiastically, even with a passion, we love our village and do a few things around the place, we know most of our neighbours, we get pissed off with the lorries charging past our house, or morons in cars belting away in every direction, and of course we all hate the County Council, who are utterly useless at everything they do! So if taxes rise by 0.009%, then who gives a monkeys? We'll have one less slice of bacon every other month, and if pensions rise by a similar amount, then Mrs Scroblene will have an egg for breakfast in September; it's as simple as that!

I've never even considered voting for Labour, but I did vote for a Lib Dem once, (by mistake apparently) about twenty years ago, because the Tory local councillor was a prat, (they all are actually), but I was pained to learn that a close friend once voted for Gordon Brown, for 'continuity', so he cocked that one up didn't he! The grand-children will grow up in happy circumstances, despite the local politicians helping to bugger everything up, and anyway, who am I to ask my daughters who they want at the helm?

So Scrobs is entering the time of life when frankly, he doesn't give a damn!

I don't like so many things that successive governments have done to us, especially pinching my own pension, to pay for some cretin in Tunbridge Wells, and also some of the people involved, like that Balls bloke are utterly odious, but the only thing that Lord Sir Anthony Wedgwood Benn said with a ring of common sense, was that you have to take the personalities out of politics, and look at the end game! So he got that wrong as well didn't he!

We're in a safe seat with Tunbridge Wells. Hell is destined to freeze over if the Labour candidate ever gets a look in, and most of the others are pretty bad as well, so tomorrow's TV will be interesting, even though I have paid for the licence this month...


  1. . . . and the deep thinkers in the People's Republic of South Yorkshire, as they have for so long, will vote Liebour while mumbling their mantra "it's all Thatcher's fault, it were never like this when ah were dahn t'pit."

  2. My pension is managed by a private outfit while my wife's is managed by the Labour county council. Guess which runs smoothly and which doesn't.

    Giving up a slice of bacon every other month is drastic though. How about dripping on toast as an alternative?

  3. Nicely put.Having escaped the labour hell that is Liverpool I can only wonder that people vote for whatever flavour socialists come in nowadays.

  4. Jannie, you speak wisely!

    Does Morley count as Yorkshire though...


  5. I'm still waiting for our Prime Minister to honour his pledge to repay pensioners who were stuffed by the last Labour government's ineptitude in dealing with Equitable Life, Mr H.

  6. Thank you Thud! Seems that things can only get better from now on!

  7. "BALLS OUT" would have made a perfect headline for the local newspaper! Having nothing better to do, we spent the day sitting on the settee (along with suitable sustenance) and watched the day unfold via the Sky satellite. The best bits were watching the expressions on the faces of the losing Labour/Dem candidates - especially the high profile ones who seem to have been in place for ever. But like you, we really don't give a fig for the whole charade. It will be interesting watching from afar to see how different an 'unleashed' Cameron will prove to be with the shackle round his ankles having been removed.

  8. (It was 'day' here during your exciting 'night').

  9. Oh so true, Reevers!

    I watched until the old eyelids drooped soon after midnight, but woke up and tried to get the gist from Radio 5 Live on the wireless, which is a lefty old night prog, so I got up, and sat with the dog with a cup of tea, and enjoyed the spectacle downstairs!

    That's not to say that I was happy with the way the UKIP result panned out as I wanted them to get somewhere important for their zeal and exuberance!

  10. Yes, the UKIP result definitely unrepresentative of their voter numbers. Disenfranchisement writ large.

    I read somewhere that there is now a police investigation going on about possible fraudulent practices at South Thanet, an area I know very well as my sprog was at school in Ramsgate for many years, but no further details. Lots of snidey UKIP-bashing going on by those smarmy know-it-all presenters today, so I doubt there will be much/any reports of the results of the investigation. Happily, I am well away from it all.

    PS: Interesting picture verification now. Makes me feel peckish!

  11. 'Fannit' has a lot of peculiar people and also goings on, Reevers, so I'm not surprised, although Nigel Farage at least knows Kent well, and lives here.

    We've had many experiences of the council there, who are mainly halfwits, and some years ago, we just gave up on them for any development proposals. We did get some serious work trying to turn a great old building into a hotel, but there again, the silly/stupid people involved hadn't a clue, and the project will probably fail.

    Shame really, as I'd have liked to have invited Mr Farage to the opening party, just to shake the hand of a man who lives in the real world.
