Friday 26 September 2014

Yesterday's haul...

This year has been fantastic for growing tomatoes, and luckily, we had well over seventy plants dotted around the greenhouse, garden and 'The Patch', down the road!

These are from 'The Patch', (the allotment), and are a bog-standard tom 'Alicante', which are prolific, but but need to be grown in open soil, as the flavour is much enhanced by working in good ground and lots of manure!

The marks on the skin are mostly down to being outside all the time, and irregular watering, but are only skin deep! I'll be reducing these to a third using a big pan, and keeping them in the fridge for the next month's pasta...

We've had harvests like this about once a week since July, so it's been a year when we've won out for a change, not like a few years ago...


  1. Indeed: and the berries have been fantastic - but not so good for acorns this year so the squirrels are stuffed, I fear (or rather, ...)

  2. They look delicious. With a wedge of cheese and some fresh bread what more could a chap want...

    Well maybe a glass of something to.

  3. And the chestnuts are weedy too, Nick!

    Plenty of conkers in the churchyard behind us, and therefore fewer spiders in the house...

  4. They don't taste bad, Mr H.

    Most of them are for serving with penne anyway, and we've had more bruschetta than ever this year with the resultant weight loss..;0)

  5. You'll be hiring some Latvians to pick them next year then.

  6. They could live in the shed too, Elecs!
